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Facts About Bluehost Web Hosting Company
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Facts About Bluehost Web Hosting Company

What is Bluehost?

Bluehost is a web / WordPress hosting company, it is currently owned by Endurance International Group. Bluehost is one of the 15 largest web hosting companies.

History of Bluehost:

Bluehost was founded in 2003 by Matt Heaton and it was acquired by Endurance International Group in 2010. Built on open source technology, we’ve since grown to become one of the world’s largest providers of cloud-based online solutions.

Operating beneath the Wasatch Mountains in Utah, over 700 of us are pushing boundaries to deliver the promise of the internet to more people than ever. In 2013, Bluehost started offering VPS and Dedicated server hosting.

Bluehost location:About Bluehost

Bluehost location and address is at:

Bluehost Inc.
560 Timpanogos Pkwy

Orem, UT 84097

Endurance International Group:

10 Corporate Drive, Suite #300
Burlington, MA 01803

Bluehost support:

Bluehost offers enough ways to contact them (Chat, Tickets, email, and Phone).

To contact Bluehost choose the department and communication method from this page.

Bluehost Main phone number:
US (toll-free): 888-401-4678

International: +1 801-765-9400

Bluehost products:

Bluehost offer 6 Web hosting products listed below:

  1. Shared Web hosting.
  2. VPS hosting.
  3. Managed Hosting for WordPress
  4. Dedicated hosting.
  5. Reseller hosting.
  6. Cloud sites hosting (Cloud Hosting).

Bluehost Money-Back guarantee:

Bluehost will give you a full refund if you cancel your hosting service within the first month, read more about Bluehost’s 30-day money-back guarantee.

Facts about Bluehost:

#1: Bluehost is the only recommended hosting company for WordPress by WordPress.Org (at least for now).

#2: Bluehost Does Not Host Porn:

Said Bluehost founder and entrepreneur Matt Heaton on his blog:

Bluehost does not and will not tolerate adult material of any kind on our servers. Sometimes profit comes second and personal responsibility and ethics come first. I am not telling other hosts to not provide adult hosting services, but I wish that they would come to that conclusion on their own.

#3: Bluehost is Not Matt Heaton’s First Success:

Matt founded HostMonster first before founding Bluehost in 2003 which was acquired by EIG also.

#4: Bluehost is Hosting Over 1.5 Million Domains:

According to Matt Heaton’s blog in 2009:

Congratulations to us!  Our organization is now hosting more than 1.5 million domain names and nearly 2% of all domain names in use on the whole internet.  I think that is amazing.  Thanks to everyone that uses and recommends our services.  Hope to post when we reach 2 million real soon!

Visit Bluehost Now | 56% OFF + FREE Domain  

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